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Leading the way for over 40 years

We look back at how far we have come. We have our sights set on our exciting future.

Celebrating our Past while Shaping the Future of Orthopaedic Surgery

RJOS' strong community is a foundational component, guiding everything else we do.

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RJOS is comprised of leaders, past and present, committed to our medical students, residents, and surgeons.

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Mentorship is a cornerstone of RJOS. Professional and personal guidance supports our members at every stage of their careers.

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Look to the future of orthopaedics! Support our vision of more women in orthopaedics.

Our History

A Tribute to our Founder Dr. Ruth Jackson 1903-1991

Our founder

Ruth Jackson, MD – the first practicing female orthopaedist in the U.S.  

Ruth Jackson was born on December 13, 1902, in Iowa and moved to Texas with her family as a child where she was described as a tough, headstrong child with the right amount of mischievous and clever; she had a love of the outdoors, particularly horse-riding and hunting. Her family accidentally settled on land rich in oil and so they were well off.

Unlike many other women her age, Dr. Jackson was able to attend college, and she matriculated to the University of Texas at Austin in 1920, where she double-majored in economics and sociology. Her interaction with an injured man during sociology drew her to medicine, but the resistance of her father to that career path remained long into her training.

RJOS 1983 Founding Members

Ruth Jackson, MD, Dallas, TX
Liebe S. Diamond, MD, Baltimore, MD
Mary L. Morden, MD, Baltimore, MD
Sandra Thompson, MD, Boston, MA
Jacqueline Perry, MD, Downey, CA
Mary Ann Shannon, MD, Minneapolis, MN

RJOS Medical Students

RJOS continues to grow its student membership! Last year, we launched our Student Medical Chapters, and we now have more than 75 chapters nationwide! We love our medical students, and their enthusiasm for RJOS is contagious! This video highlights the students who attended our 2024 annual meeting in full force!


RJOS welcomes members of all genders to join our growing Foundation. While we celebrate our past, we work hard for our future. Please join us!
Be a Leader.
Be a Mentor.
Be a Visionary.

RJOS Strategic Plan

Strategic Domain

Goal 1

Goal 2

Diversity and Inclusion
Promote professional development of women of all backgrounds.
Increase diversity and inclusion within the Society.
Provide resources to promote and increase diversity and inclusion in Orthopaedic surgery and in leadership roles.
Professional Development
Provide meaningful educational opportunities to enhance members’ careers.
Establish professional development and leadership curricula.
Enhance resource sharing, knowledge exchange and community strengthening.
Serve and engage members.
Build a member benefits portfolio based on member needs by career stage.
Enhance member interactions and create a strong mentoring network.
Empower members to participate in and lead research projects.
Expand the Society’s research funding and award opportunities.
Create greater awareness of research opportunities to increase participation.
Organizational Excellence
Become and maintain a healthy and viable Society.
Improve the Society’s governance and operating structure; Build a culture of transparency.
Secure the Society’s fiscal health.

Essential Components resonate throughout each strategic domain.

  • Collaboration/Partnerships
  • Communications
  • Diversity
  • Education

RJOS President Dr. Corinna Franklin: “We are all here to help each other do better."

Please note: The following article is the speech Corinna CD Franklin, MD, FAOA, president of the Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society (RJOS), delivered at the RJOS Annual Meeting and 40th Anniversary Event on February 12, 2024, in San Francisco, California.

"Thank you, Dr. Russo, for that lovely intro, and especially for your incredible work this year.

Good evening, everyone. Let me say first what an honor it is to be in front of all of you tonight, and how humbled I am to be the next president of this great organization.

I want to start by talking about two women I love, and some mistakes they have made.

Abby Wambach is one of the greatest soccer players of all time (and my personal favorite); she’s arguably the greatest American soccer player ever. She has been looked up to by scores of women and girls. However, in 2016 she got a DUI, letting down everyone who admired her; she now speaks candidly about that moment as a turning point in her life, when she made an intentional decision to “make that moment into the best thing that ever happened to [her], a start to a better life.”

Michelle Obama, another woman I love, is known for promoting healthful eating. As first lady, she championed the importance of nutrition for children. But in her autobiography, Becoming, she talks about being chastised by her pediatrician for her girls’ unhealthful eating habits; this was humiliating for her, but since that time she has learned and grown into the health advocate that we know her as today.

Both of these women took tremendous risks in admitting and talking about these things—both of these women have been relentlessly scrutinized and criticized, often for who they were rather than what they do. But, in making these admissions, they show us what it takes to truly know yourself, and how to learn and get better. I think there is an important lesson for all of us in that.

I’m going to make a judgement here and guess that many of us got here by some degree of perfectionism—in school, in sports. It’s hard to get to be a doctor—much less, an orthopaedic surgeon—without doing well in school, and that alone is usually not enough. As we see now it often takes an exceptional, maybe even unblemished, record to get to where we all are—and it can be very hard to let go of those tendencies. But once we get here, to the real world of medicine and surgery, things are vastly more complicated and unpredictable, and it’s impossible to be perfect—and I want to talk about what we do when things don’t go the way we planned.

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our right. our committment.

Roe vs Wade

Response from the RJOS presidential line to the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs Wade.

We are devastated by the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning the Roe vs Wade decision that legalized abortion in our country 50 years ago. States now have the autonomy to create their own standards for abortion and access to this care.

This landmark decision will have far-reaching consequences. RJOS remains committed to supporting our female colleagues who may need these services and all our patients who need access to appropriate care. Reproductive rights are human rights! Women should have control over decisions related to their healthcare, just as men have.

Equality is a necessity in orthopaedic surgery and in our country! Although heartbroken, we must stay strong and support each other in this difficult time.

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